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En collaboration avec Hyper Duo
Hyper Duo réarrange les chansons pop de Chloé à leurs manières. 

Concert experimental et installations sonores

Performance: Chloé Bieri, Gilles Grimaître, Julien Mégroz

6 février 2025 Espace Amaretto Lausanne

11 février Gare du Nord Basel

Diffusion en cours

Vague, pièce de Léo Collin, 2022


For solo voice and electronics

Performance: Chloé Bieri

Compositions: Huihui Cheng, Léo Collin, Mathieu Corajod, Stanislas Pili, Chloé Bieri


Sound engineering: Yesid Fonseca Maxime Le Saux

Outside view: Pierre Sublet

Soapbox Pakt Bern 


IGNM Zürich


Théâtre du Pommier Neuchâtel


BAM Festival Berlin



Millenium Unicorn
Piece for table no.3

For two performers, live electronics, synthesisers, megaphones and objects

Piece commissioned by the Duo frKRr  in 2023

During the piece, the performers activate a series of sounds and objects as a counterpoint to their vocal parts. The piece is inspired by the Hörspiel and the different professions in the cinema: noisemaker, doublers, actors, lighting technicians. This piece is also inspired by the Millennium Falcon: YT-1300F


Composition, concept: Chloé Bieri

Sound programmation and musician: Andreas Eduardo Frank

Singer and musician: Anne-May Krüger


Gare du Nord Basel

Fracanaüm Lausanne

Aula Progr Berne


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Dal Sottosuolo

Composition Carlo Barbagallo

French translation Chloé Bieri

Text of Fedor Dostojevski

Recording and post production french version 

Baptiste Bieri


IGNM Bern Dampfzentrale 3.06.22

Bam Festival 8-9.04.22

Le Pommier Neuchâtel 20.03.22

Musica in Prossimita 3.09.19

Bern HKB 8.06.2018

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Ceci est une rencontre

Dans "Ceci est une rencontre", Marthe Krummenacher rencontre pour la première fois un.e musicien.cienne directement sur scène dans une improvisation collective.
Marthe Krummenacher: danse

Chloé Bieri: voix et électronique

Fête de la danse Yverdon 05.19

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Das Glashaus

Hans Wüthrich

Das Glashaus ( 1974/75)

Für sechs Sprecher, Sopran, Schlagzeug und Tonband

Pierre Sublet regie

Diana Ammann Kostüme

Yesid Fonseca Aranda Assistent

In diesem musiktheatralischen Modell geht es um Macht, soziale Ordnung, latente Gewalt und miss-/gelungene Revolution. Mit psychophonetischen Mitteln macht Hans Wüthrich typische Verhaltensmuster innerhalb von Hackordnungen Sicht- und hörbar. 


Colette Magny

Composition and direction: Charlotte Torres

for: Chloé Bieri

Texts: ‘Répression’ by Colette Magny / ‘Proclamations Révolutionnaires’ - Port au Prince 1793

Photography and video editing by Franz Bannwart


A work on the cry, vocal expressionism revisited, radical musical and political extremism.

Play Time Bern 2019

Gare du Nord Basel 2023

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La chanson dans l'esthétique du théâtre musical

Author: Chloé Bieri


Research project on the song in contemporary music


This work can be ordered from the following address: 



Personne ne ramasse ma langue

Concept · Lisa Tatin, Simona Gallo
Voix / performance / composition · Lisa Tatin, Chloé Bieri
Video light design / live electronics · Simona Gallo
Electronique · Dionysios Papanicolaou, Chloé Bieri, Till Lingenberg
Textes · Laura Vazquez, Lisette Lombé, Cécile Coulon, Stéphanie Vovor, Kae Tempest
Artiste textile · Mélanie Vincensini

Production: Schoß Company

Diffusion: Emilien Rossier - oh la la performing arts production

12-13 april 2024 Fondation Opale Lens

2 may Gare du Nord Basel

16-18.08.2024 Festival Kaleidoscope, Romainmôtier

31.08.2024 Ferme Asile, Sion

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Service pour téléphonistes imaginaires

For speacking persons, pedals effects, portable audio amplification, smoke machine, lights room, mini handlamps and jack cables 6.3mm

Chloé Bieri, written for Ensemble Latenz


Bern 06.10.2024


Loco Ticino, Chiesa

Berne Luna Negra

Basel  Don Bosco, Heinz Holliger Auditorium

Baden Kulturlokal Werkk


Piece for table no.2

For objects, disco ball, glass and a soloist

This piece is a piece of musical theatre and is part of a series of pieces for the everyday moment called "Piece for Table".  
This performance had its world premiere with the performer and percussionist Andrea Zamengo who performed it in Bern, Switzerland on January 20, 2022 for the Traffic Festival.

This piece was performed by Chloé Bieri at the 100th anniversary of the IGNM Bern at the Dampfzentrale


Composition, concept: Chloé Bieri

Sounds programmation: Andrea Zamengo 

Outside look: Stanislas PIli

Next 18.04.23 Gare du Nord Basel

Traffic Festival Bern 2022

100th years IGNM Bern Dampfzentrale



Echos of Queen

Piece for a performer, metal cage, installation of 40 jacks and neon lights

The performer is a telephone operator from the 40s, with all that was involved in being a woman in society at that time. 

Telephone operators created impressive networks of telephone connections by inserting jacks into large panels facing them. Here, using a sound installation consisting of a metal cage with jacks suspended over it, the performer will represent four telephone connection tables.







Création: Chloé Bieri 

Ensemble Wespoke

C2b7 (2019) pour 4 joueurs d’échec, live vidéo et électronique

Le travail de Chloé Bieri exprime la nature du chaos d’un point de vue scientifique. Cette pièce est une bataille et une rencontre entre la musique expérimentale, la musique contemporaine et la chanson française.


La pièce allie le geste à un effet sonore,  grâce à l'électronique et aux capteurs de mouvements sur les pions de l'échiquier géant. 


La pièce rend un hommage, soit à la défaite de notre civilisation, soit à l'inévitable rébellion.

Musiciens: Julien Annoni, Kaja Farszky, Julien MégrozGwen Rouger,

Technique Robert Torche 

Mixage Baptiste Bieri

Mastering Antoine Schöner

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Das Raunen der Dinge

Experimentelle Rauschoper für eine Sängerin, VocalFlashmob, Videoprojektionen und live Elektronik

Musikfestival Bern 2019

Concept et direction Franziska Baumann

Video Claudia Brieske

Musikfestival Bern                Rauschen

Septembre 2019 

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Avec orgueil et honte

Mémoires d'une chanteuse soliste


Directed by Stanislas Pili

Compositions by Carlo Barbagallo, Chloé Bieri and Stanislas Pili 

Performer: Chloé Bieri

‘Avec orgueil et honte’ is a stage biography of a singer tormented by the contrast between her glittering public image and her dark, fragile solitude. The chapters of this audio-visual novel mirror the bipolar character of a singer who sees no difference between a song and the noises around her. When she is alone in the shower, she sings and considers the sound of falling water a perfect accompaniment to her voice, not a noise to be silenced when the song is performed in public.


Septembre 2018

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100th years IGNM Bern

100 Jahre Musik von Heute

with Chloé Bieri, Ensemble WeSpoke, Ensemble Nikel, Pierre Sublet

Chloé Bieri performed: 

John Cage - Solo for voice 31 – Theatrical performance -

Chloé Bieri ”Gala" pièce pour table no.2 

Carlo Barbagallo “Dal Sottosuolo”


3.06.2022 100 ans IGNM Bern, Dampfzentrale

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Ardenti Administrationem, Piece for table no.4

Drame de chambre for two performers, dispositifs électroacoustiques, objets et lumières​

Piece commissioned by Wespoke, 2023

This piece is a piece of musical theatre and is part of a series of pieces for the everyday moment called "Piece for Table".  
This performance had its world premiere with the performer and percussionist Andrea Zamengo who performed it in Bern, Switzerland on January 20, 2022 for the Traffic Festival.

This piece was performed by Chloé Bieri at the 100th anniversary of the IGNM Bern at the Dampfzentrale


Composition, concept: Chloé Bieri

Musicians: Julien Annoni Julien Mégroz

This piece has also performed by the duo Romanesco

Romane Bouffioux and Corentin Barro


Gare du Nord Basel

HSLU Luzern


Piece for table no.1

For voice, live electronics, 4 speakers, midi keyboard, mixer and computer

This piece is a piece of musical theatre and is the first one of a series of pieces for the everyday moment called "Piece for Table".


This piece uses sound spatialisation and elements from contemporary music and French chanson, including the French singer Barbara and her song, Vienne.


Play Time, Bern 2018

SMC, Lausanne 2019

Gare du Nord Basel 2019


Opus Air Box

Arioso for a dancer, a singer and 62 radios
Dance / music

Marthe Krummenacher dance 

Chloé Bieri music and performance

Alessandra Domingues light

Daniel Zéa programming and sound installation

Festival de la Bâtie, Genève




Radio Cliquez ici

Usine à gaz, Nyon


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Pour les oiseaux

Performance and composition: Chloé Bieri

Stage direction: Faustine Moret
In musical collaboration with Pascal Auberson, Pierre Audétat, Carlo Barbagallo

Work on songs in the aesthetics of musical theatre

A singer's tribute to birds.

Mixing and mastering Baptiste Bieri

Berne 2018


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Machinations 2000

Composition: Georges Aperghis

Régie Pierre Sublet


Performance for four women and computer based on texts by François Regnault and Georges Aperghis (new version for four couples and computer by Pierre Sublet, 2019)

Since its premiere at IRCAM, Paris, in 2000, Machinations has become an icon of contemporary musical theatre. What happens when four women (in our version, four couples) and a machine, a computer, come together on stage? Let's take a look at their communication and observe the chemical reaction. The whole thing trans- cends into a great game, a sublime 50-minute poem.

Machinations, one of Georges Aperghis's most moving pieces, brings together, interferes with, opposes, and creates an amusing and tragic symbiosis between human beings and machines. 

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La belle bleue

Concept / Performance / Composition: Chloé Bieri
Direction/ Choreography: Faustine Moret 

With music by Pascal Auberson and traditional Swiss songs. 

This performance is not just about music, it's also about ecological and ethical issues. La belle bleue redraws our traditions, adapts them to our times, and redefines new frontiers. Races, species and genders mix and become witnesses to the beauty and magic of life.

Berne 2019

Cave du Manoir Martigny

Juin 2020

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